anche quest'anno ci saranno gli artisti di akrai residence tra cui una artista di arte culinaria che collaborerà con la pasticceria corsino ad annunciarlo questo comunicato in inglese di akrai residence in cui si annunciano i nome deli artisti che a settembre giungeranno a palazzolo : Residency
is Pleased to Announce the Corsino Fellow
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Dear Friends,
We are pleased to let you know that Meredith Kurtzman from New York has been awarded the Corsino Fellowship for a Professional Pastry Chef. From September 1 to the 30, Meredith will be in residency along with six other Akrai Residency Fellows:
Claudio Beorchia, Visual Arts, Italy
Meredith Kurtzman, Culinary Arts, USA, Corsino Fellowship
Gina Leishman, Music, UK/USA
Ángela Pradelli, Creative Writing, Argentina
Roman Stolyar, Music, Russia
Moez Surani, Creative Writing, Canada
Monique Truong, Creative Writing, Vietnam/USA